Affirmative racial mirrors
Funded by ACF Slovenia 2014–2021
Project acronym: Afroskop
Code: SP_040
Duration: 24 months, 1. 2. 2021 – 31. 1. 2023
Project promoter: Baobab Cultural Arts Society
Project partners:
- Društvo za izobraževanje in socialni razvoj, Društvo DISORA (Slovenia)
- UTAD Critical (Norway)
- LUNINA VILA, inštitut za zaščito otrok, socialno podjetje
Aim of the project:
With the project AFROskop – Affirmative Racial Mirrors, we are addressing specific needs of Black children in interracial adoptive families. The aim of the project is to empower both children and parents. Through various activities, we enable experiential learning and skills development:
- how to expose children to positive racial opportunities that promote pride and a positive racial identity;