September 9, 2024

Association for education and social development

Enterpreneurial Education for NEET

Erasmus + KA205 Strategic Partnership for youth – exchange of good practices

Project acronym: Ent4Neet


Duration: 24 months, start date: 1. 4. 2021

Coordinator: Associazione Let’s Keep Learning Onlus (Italy)

Project partners:
  • AIDEJOVEN (Spain)
  • Društvo za izobraževanje in socialni razvoj, Društvo DISORA (Slovenia)
  • Fundacja proFesjonalni Aktywni Qlturalni Mlodzi (Poland)
  • FOXPOPULI (Sweden)
Project goals:

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest challenges of contemporary Europe. Labor market statistics show that in Europe as many as seventy million people do not have adequate basic and transversal skills.

At the same time Young Europeans, especially those at risk of marginalization, often perceive themselves as without the power of personal development and suffer from a low level of self-esteem in managing their training, life situations and work.

The project promotes the exchange of good practices between teachers and trainers in the sense of creating new approaches to the training path that help improve youngsters’ skills and stimulate their motivation to learn.

Ent4Neet intends to implement an exchange of good practices between youth organizations to implement a pilot course accompanied by a manual (so-called Handbook) addressed to youth workers who at various levels are involved in the education of young people. The intent is to stimulate entrepreneurship and communication skills, integration and active citizenship of young people, especially Neet, including those in conditions of economic / social / cultural disadvantage, by proposing a model that can be replicated and transferred to various sectoral and geographical realities.

Through research among companies and employers we will determine which soft-skills are the most sought after in the labor market. A report will be prepared as basis for exchange of good practices. A short-term staff training event is planned for 20 youth workers from the 4 countries of origin of the partners. Subsequently, thanks to the skills acquired, pilot courses will be carried out at local level (for at least 50 young people between 18 and 29 years old). 20 of these young people will also can participate in a transnational mobility (blended mobility of young people) which will seek to deepen the skills and knowledge acquired in the pilot courses.

The impact of the project will also be visible thanks to the statistical surveys on the sample of beneficiaries even after the end of the project. The project will continue to produce results beyond its end. Its sustainability is intrinsic since it is a project intended to enhance key competences and training standards regarding the training modules and teaching methodologies related to teaching and learning processes in the Youth sector.



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