Lıfe Education

Sustainable life skills for vulnerable target groups

Erasmus + KA204 Strategic partnership for Adult education Exchange of good practices

Project acronym: LIFE EDUCATION

Code: 2020-204-075997

Duration: 24 months, start date: 1. 9. 2020

Coordinator: Društvo za izobraževanje in socialni razvoj, Slovenia
Project partners:

  • Fondazione Edulife ONLUS (Italy, Verona)
  • EDUFONS – Centar za celozivotno obrazovanje, (Serbia, Novi Bečej)
  • Akademie für politische Bildung und demokratiefördernde Maßnahmen, (Austria, Linz)
  • MPIRMPAKOS D. & SIA O.E., (Greece, Karditsa)
    Project goals:
    The topic of sustainability is not represented enough in adult education, especially given its importance for the people, the environment and the economy. Sustainability skills can especially benefit various vulnerable groups with less favourable economic, social and health outcomes. At the same time, vulnerable groups need learning strategies adapted to their learning styles, values and daily needs. Our goal is to bring the topic of sustinability more to the attention of the adult education sector and to provide adult educators with useful tolls, advice and materioals on how to teach sustainability to vulnerable target groups. To do so we will explore and collect good practice examples form partner countries and the EU and prepare a handbook for educators and test it with a group of mentors and adult learners.
    11.6.2021 smo imeli v Mariboru prvo transnacionalno projektno srečanje.

    2. TPM v Veroni 14.-15. septembra 2021.

    3. TPM v Grčiji 14.2.2022

    4. TPM v Finlandiji

    Tpm v Novem Bečeju, Srbija 26.7.2022

    LTTA 29.-1. September 2022 in Maribor, Slovenia

    TPM v Linzu, Avstrija, 2. novembra 2022

    TPM v Maribor 5.12.2022

    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.